Friday, March 02, 2007

Best Spam Title Ever...

"On top of that, spam filters battle to keep up with spammers while, in the process, blocking emails that we want to receive."

At least they're honest...


At 12:37 AM, Blogger Dagdamor said...

Few people realize the true meaning of spam, not the mystery meat, not the annoying emails, but SPAM! Old school Skylords style, them was the days, back when i was but a wee lad of 14. what was that 2 years ago? but seriously, spam has such a terrible rap, but for a time, it was the lifeblood of an entire clan, beutiful, majestic, and funny! no wonder it was coveted by so many of us gaming nerds, it was the ultimate personification of a girl in text form :D.sigh,ah well, noone probably understood that anyways.


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