Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Howard: Yeah, so what have you been up to, then?

Vince: Well, pretty much, after the telly show, I invented this game, right? I invented this game. Very excellent, check this out right? I invented a game called "Pelt The Rabbit In His Big White Face." I know, the title alone is pretty cool. But wait 'till you hear what happens, right? You're in here, or wherever, right- by a windmill, it don't matter- and this massive rabbit comes in, and he's got a really massive face. He's freak, he's like that (makes a face) and he's quite tall, about six foot. He comes running towards you and you have to, like, leg it, and get away from him, or like, pelt him with coins, sunflower seeds, or take off your Chelsea boot and just take him out. 'Cos if he catches you, he just throws you on the floor and rapes you.

Howard: ...

Howard: That's not a game, really, is it? That's just a sequence of events. A sequence of horrific events...culminating in a rape. Where's the game element?

Vince: Yeah, but it's not an ordinary rape, it's a rabbit rape! It's a terrific bunny bumming!

Howard: ...From MB Games. What? Well, there's no strategy. Where's the strategy?

Vince: Of course there's a strategy!

Howard: Why? What is it?

Vince: Well, the thing with it, is you never know when he's going to come, do you? When he's going to arrive, easy! He might come in a hour, he might come in two hours, he might come in a month! He might come in a year, he might come in fourteen minutes! What if he's ill, he's got a brother that looks exactly like him!

Howard: (moves further away from Vince)

Vince: He's the worse of the two, if anything. He's more powerful and vigorous. You'll never get away from him; if it's his brother, you might as well just sit down. Put up the white flag.

Howard: ...

Howard: This isn't the show, by the way, this is, you know, just a little bit of idle banter up top.

-Vince Noir and Howard Moon, "The Mighty Boosh (live)"



At 1:59 PM, Blogger Megin said...

And after seeing only two episodes, this conversation makes perfect sense. *laughs*


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