Thursday, March 16, 2006

Late Night Movie Musings

Got Blade on as background, and although I've seen it a half a dozen times or so, I never manage to warm towards it. Yeah, I know, Wesley Snipes is good in everything, and there was at least a reasonable about of care paid to the production. I'm not arguing that. I can watch it, but I just can't find it in my heart to like it, no matter how it's argued.* Maybe it's because my friend Anthony wrote a far cooler vampire hunter story (with a somewhat similar theme) several years before this movie was even made. Maybe it's because I can't buy Club Kiddie vampires as actual villains, and I find them annoying rather than terrifying. Maybe it's because I couldn't fathom a council of ancient vampires who shuffle about and mumble about things and are herded to their doom like sheep without any sign of resistance. Maybe it's because the millenia-old temple looked as though it ought to have a food court and a Bon-Ton on the second floor.
Maybe I'm just picky. Yeah, it's probably that. But still...

*Seriously. Austin and I once had a two hour debate about this film, mostly because he likes it and I don't. So while I appreciate that many people enjoy this film, don't think you can talk me around to it, because I'm fairly certain that the discussion covered every possible plus point of it at least twice over.



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