Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spam Poetry

Well, prose, but it was still amusing enough I thought I'd share it. I assume it's from some book somewhere (or from several books somewhere) but considering the content I don't think anyone's going to miss it/them much. #grins#

buchanan muskrat troposphere
She looked at him sharply to make sure he was taking the point. The bottom of the mower was smeared with blood, particularly around the grass-exhaust, which was still dripping. "Is it about the book? "You don't have to do that, " he said, speaking fast. "No, " he said. but his stomach growled at the sight of it. She helped him to sit up — there was a dull, thudding flare of pain in his pelvic area but it subsided — and then she leaned over, the side of her neck pressing against his shoulder like the neck of a horse. There was a snap as the pin broke in two, the part in the lock falling in, and he had a dull moment to consider his failure before he saw that the door was slowly swinging open with the tongue of the lock sticking out of the plate like a steel finger.


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