Sunday, June 24, 2007

Although I was shouting as loud as anyone when they asked us if we believed De-Evolution was real, I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be as happy about it as everyone in the audience always sounds. Likewise, we're (I've always assumed affectionately) referred to as Spuds, but although Gerald Casale was quoted as being reasonably positive towards the Spud concept ("Spud became another symbol of those common folks that weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouths. The unsung soldiers of the world. Potatoes are a staple of all diets and looked upon without any glamour whatsoever. But they do have eyes all around and we all learned in Ohio how to use potatoes as conductors of electricity. So we thought, you know what? Potatoes aren't such a bad thing.") the appellation Spud isn't used overly positively in the context of the songs, ("Think I'm only a spudboy, " "Let me tell you about a boy, An average spud, " "A stupid spud staggering to the flame, " etc.) so I've never quite known how to feel about it. #shrugs# I do often overthink things. I feel it's better than underthinking them, though.



At 10:37 PM, Blogger Dagdamor said...

"Then you'll know, theres Bud the Spud, with anutha' biga load a potatoes" Only heard the song once, can't remember what it was called, but it struck me as funny :D

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Dagdamor said...

sorry, had to say it :D, by the way i'll post something on my page for you Daum


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