Thursday, November 18, 2010

From the top of lungs!!!

So there was this story a while back that got really big in the Valve community- you may have heard of it: "Half-Life: Full Life Consequences." It was a fan fic, and further than that it was a deliberately bad fanfic that was extraordinarily constructed so as not to seem the elaborate baited hook it was. (I hesitate to call it a "troll, " since it brought so much joy to so many. More on that in a bit.) It was followed by a equally well-received sequel, and another sequel, and a sort of a prequel but not really- I don't know, it wasn't supposed to make sense, so the prequel is sort of a sequel, etc. It is hilariously badly written, and a lot of people took it at face value and laughed their guts out, and even those who didn't saw the true comedy gold within its confusing phrases and just enjoyed it as it was. But lo and behold, someone took it even further than that, and, using the awesome power of Gary's Mod, made a movie version with dramatic voice acting, props, and just all kinds of entertaining crazy. And that was very big too, and considering it's had nearly three million views since it came out two years ago you may have heard of it. But I realized while watching it for the nth time today that there may be some among you who have not been introduced to John Freeman and his motorcycle and the zombie goasts, and that is an oversight I cannot bear to prolong. So here it is, in all its Gilliamesque glory; Half-Life Full Life Consequences. Enjoy. And try not to wake anyone up laughing. :)


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