Monday, February 07, 2011

#while browsing the Wikipedia page on Galactus and reaching the section that details his "appearance" in the "film" Fantastic Four 2 (the Rifftrax of which we had just watched)#

Owlvark: "Did they try very hard to avoid sarcasm in the write-up?"
Duamuteffe: "Oh yeah. They explained that it was because of the Silver Surfer movie, which was assumed to be upcoming, and they didn't want to spoil what he actually looked like. I guess."
Owlvark: "Wait, but he's dead. So they're going to make a film about the Civil Service- er, the Silver Surfer-"
Duamuteffe: "You called him the Civil Service."
Owlvark: "Yeah, I-"
Duamuteffe: "That would be a way more entertaining film than the one we just watched."


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