Thursday, February 23, 2006

Late night Movie Musings

"I love it when a posh bird talks dirty!"
- Spoon

Watched Dog Soldiers again, and it is, in a word, brilliant. It's a horror movie written by a horror movie fan. Sure, it's got its flaws like any other film, but it is the most inventive and balls to the wall entertaining horror flick I've seen in ages. With a couple of notable exceptions there's no stupidity advancing the plot, which is a refreshing change, as is having characters who are trained and capable and who actually have to reload from time to time. Of course they're still out of their depth, otherwise it wouldn't be a horror film, but it's nice to see some people making plans and carrying them out rather than just screaming and flailing. There's some excellent suspense (even though this must be the fifth
or sixth time I've seen it) nods to other movies, some scenes that are laugh out loud funny and others that make even me consider flinching (and I've been fairly well jaded for years now) and effects that do their job nicely.
They should have gotten Nigel Benett for Captain Ryan, though. I mean, the actor they got practically is channeling him, but given Mr. Benett's track record at Lucien LaCroix, I think he would be even better at being angry and condescending.


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