Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I have made my bed

...Now I must lie in it. W00t!



At 9:47 PM, Blogger A Magical Legacy: A Sims 3 Supernatural Legacy Challenge said...

What happened to the rope bed? Thanks for the birthday wishes, I will take any kind of cookies with chocolate in them. Coconut would also be good if you have a recipe that incorporates both.

Currently eating gingersnaps and watching CSI

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Duamuteffe said...

The rope bed has been on loan to Grey and Jess for some time; it was built a hundred and fifty years ago when people were shorter and I am just too tall for it. And if I'm too tall for it, Austin definitely is. So I've been sleeping on a mattress that predated me on the floor for a year or so, and it was starting to wear out to the point it was giving me bruises. Thus, a new bed!


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