Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Duke Nukem Forever was announced in April 1997, at which time I was a senior in high school. They just released some new in-game footage a little over a month ago and speculation is high that the game will be released "soon."

Things I have done since Duke Nukem Forever was announced:

Graduated high school
Loafed around for a year
Moved to upstate New York
Learned to ride, train, and groom
Became a riding instructor
Went to college
Written several hundred pages of usable work
Read several hundred books
Owned six computers
Learned to cook
Crossed the Atlantic five times
Spent most of a year in the UK
Got married twice

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At 12:29 AM, Blogger Bravo001 said...

hmmm, this list making idea is a nice one...I should try that at some point in time. Though considering I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, it might be slightly difficult. Love ya sis!

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man! That is an impressive list.

Also, I believe you and I met online roughly two years after the DNF announcement. Seems like an age ago to me now.

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Duamuteffe said...

Yeah, it must have been late 98 or early 99, because I remember it was when I started my working student job. Jeez, ten years, we should probably meet in person one of these days. The whole distance between the coasts has made that fairly difficult, though :)


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