Saturday, May 09, 2009

So, I've found Shelfari to be completely addictive, at least from an adding books perspective. Since I didn't have a lot to do this evening, I started in searching and adding books from my collection, and the next thing I know it's 10:30 and I feel compelled to write a blog post about it. I don't really do the whole review thing, but it's definitely neat to have a list of my books in one place. If I ever get them all on there, that is.

Interestingly, I'm over 350 books now on my Shelfari shelf, and I'm probably only 2/3rds of the way through the books in the middle room, and that's at best. It could be as low as half, depending on just how many paperbacks there really are stacked against the one wall- I can't really estimate by looking at it. Plus, there must be another hundred paperbacks in storage at the Farm, and another couple boxes at Mom and Dad's. There's probably another easy hundred and fifty on my Amazon wish list- jeez, we're going to need a lot of bookshelves when we get a house...

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