Monday, November 22, 2010

So today is National Build-A-Headcrab Day. Well, okay, it isn't, but that's what I'm doing. I had a lot of people ask for more Freeman photos, so we're going to do another shoot, and what's a Half-Life photoshoot without headcrab zombies? Currently the initial stage is done, and the papier mache headcrab is sitting on newspaper on my floor, drying and looking more like a large newsprint meatloaf than anything else. Once it's dry, though, I can begin building the legs/claws/tentacles and the grooved mouthpieces, and then start thinking about paint. I'm also working on a design for the nasty gaping maw in their chest, probably attached in some way to a thrift-store t-shirt.

In other news, I bloody *hate* this keyboard. I really need to fix the plug on the good one so I can throw this one back in the box o' mixed computer parts.


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