"It's a vampire!"
"In a parcel!"
"In our living room!"
"- Hate mail!"
"What do we do?"
"Only pop music can save us now!"
Voluntary experimentation-
Going through softcore mutation...
"It's a vampire!"
We're pretty sure Bob FM Rickrolled us this morning.
Watching the Rifftrax of Batman and Robin, and boy howdy, whenever I'm not watching the film, I forget how truly abysmal it really is. I mean, I know it sucks, but I forget the sheer *badness* of it until I'm actually watching the Riff. Amazing.
We're attending a hot dog roast and bonfire tonight. In January. I'll have to wear about four jackets but I'm very excited. :)
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Things I Am Reading:
Labels: things I am reading
More from "It Made My Day"
"It Made My Day"
Duamuteffe: "So I left Tim a message and told him I'd bribe him with lunch at El Canello's if he took me shopping. I'm sure he'll do it if he's got the time, he's always happy to help, if you can get ahold of him. I mean, if you're in trouble, and you can find him-"
Labels: actual conversation/not IRC, Feeling intensely lucky/grateful, general silliness
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
Labels: actual content, substituting quotes for actual content
Since yesterday went south, we went to see Sherlock Holmes again to at least send the day on a good note. And it was. I loved it even more than the first time, since now I know the plot and thus have time to look at all the little details they've added in. I <3 this film the way the Owlvark <3's the Ipcress File, which is saying something.
Labels: movie review
Since I can't find it anywhere else on the 'net, in the game Opoona, the Tokione Moon Forest Hotel is found as follows: When you get off the pod transport and go out into the main aisle (Tokione B1 Center Aisle, where the entrances to the Great Racetrack is) go to the map in the middle of the aisle. 180 degrees from the map, i.e. right behind it, is a nondescript door. Go through that door, and you'll be on a glass walkway around the museum, which you can't get to from the museum proper. Follow that around, go through the door, and there you are at the hotel.
Labels: gaming